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The Pantry Shelf – Newsletter January 2025

The Pantry Shelf is the San Lorenzo Family Help Center newsletter, connecting and creating a community of people on a mission to defeat hunger in Alameda County. Donate today to automatically subscribe to our newsletter.

Top Shelf - Our Programs

California Updates Food Labeling Starting July 1, 2026

California has chosen to define dates on food to better inform Californians and reduce food waste. Starting July 1, 2026 the California Law AB 660 goes into effect and “BEST if Used By” will be used to communicate peak quality, and “Use By” will be used to communicate product safety. You can read more about the new law at California Passes Landmark Date Labeling Law. recommends we trust our senses when determining what we eat. Ask questions like is it moldy, lumpy, off color, in a crushed, dirty or rusty can or torn packaging. If the answer is yes, then compost the food. Other questions to ask should be does it have a foul odor or a slimy or shiny outer coat. Food should look good, smell good and of course taste good. 

Food borne illnesses are serious. However, those illnesses tend to be caused by cross-contamination and letting food sit at room temperature too long, promoting the growth of bacteria. Find out more about how to read and understand current food labels at Food Date Labels.

In-Store Program

Our families are top shelf! We continue to grow, defeating hunger in more and more households in the unincorporated areas in and surrounding San Lorenzo, CA.

We ended 2024 providing nutritious food to 877 unique families in the month of December. As we start 2025, in January we supported 869 families. In comparison, last January (2024) we were just settling into our new warehouse and provided food to 322 families.

Middle Shelf - Partners & Volunteers

Volunteer Spotlight - Anne Milner

Our volunteer of the month is Anne Milner, our out-going Board of Directors President.

Anne started at the food pantry six years ago, filling bags with dry foods. She then moved into signing in clients for their food pick-ups, and eventually moved on to Board of Directors. 

Anne was instrumental during the early days of the pandemic when the Pantry became a drive-through for food distribution. She could be seen pushing a computer cart around in the parking lot signing in clients at their car window. As the President of the Board of Directors Anne worked with Janelle Morimoto (Executive Director of the Pantry) to orchestrate our move to the new warehouse, providing an in-store shopping experience for our clients.

Anne is retiring from both the Board of Directors, as well as her volunteer work in the Pantry. When asked what Anne liked most, she had this to say “I like being a friend, working with other volunteers, and being able to apply my organizational skills even after retirement.”

We thank Anne for all the great work. She was recognized in 2024 for her volunteerism at the Pantry and was presented with the President’s Volunteer Recognition Award signed by President Biden.

Anne Milner (at the Right) Janelle Morimoto at our Pantry Opening event in January 2024.
Anne at the Daily Bowl in August 2023.

Our Annual Meeting - January 26, 2025

Once a year the San Lorenzo Family Help Center holds an Annual Meeting where volunteers, donors, community members, get together to enjoy good food and each other’s company. Thank you to Kelly McCarthey, for catering our event. Kelly recently retired as the Bancroft Hotel catering director. 

The meeting this year was held at the San Lorenzo Public Library. As you can see from the photos below, we had great food and great fun and a turn out of about 45 people. 

New Board Members Elected in January 2025

2025 Board of Directors
Standing top row from left to right: Peter Stair (new), Chris Morin (current VP), Elizabeth Brennan (current Secretary), Celeste Merryman (continuing member) Seated bottom row from left to right: April Tsoi (new), Aya Chow (new), Alexa Lomongsod (new), Raymond Xie (new). Not pictured is Lisa Stroud.

At our Annual Meeting January 26, 2025 we voted in six new board members adding to the three continuing members — Chris Morin (Vice President), Elizabeth Brennan (Secretary), and Celeste Merryman (Member At Large).

The Board of Directors are all volunteers and during 2024, the board thoughtfully updated the bi-laws to expand the board of directors to nine people. The board is excited to expand and believe the additional numbers will provide the support necessary to expand and grow the San Lorenzo Family Help Center. The mission of the Pantry is to defeat hunger in Alameda County.

Officers will be elected on February 12, 2025.

Around the Corner

To stay up to date on what we are doing and where we are follow us on Facebook @ San Lorenzo Family Help Center, or on our website. 

The Pantry Shelf – Newsletter December 2024

The Pantry Shelf is the San Lorenzo Family Help Center newsletter, connecting and creating a community of people on a mission to defeat hunger in Alameda County. Donate today to automatically subscribe to our newsletter.

In this December 2024 edition, we celebrate some of the great accomplishments this year.

Top Shelf - Our Programs

In-Store Program

January through December 2024, we’ve supported 1,604 unique families through our store-like shopping pantry at Corsair.

The chart at the right shows the number of families per month who have received assistance, 322 to 877 is a 172% increase in the year 2024.

Chart of all the unique families served in 2024.

Mobile Pantry Program

Photo of Free Masons who helped out at the mobile pantry in Dec 2024

In November 2024, we served 89 individuals/families through our mobile pantry program and in December 2024 we served 149 individuals/families.

Shout out to the Free Mason group (see photo to the left with our Executive Director, Janelle Morimoto in the orange SF Giants hat) who volunteered at one of our December mobile pantry sites.

Our mobile program is taking a break in January and February, resuming when the farms and fields become full with fruits and vegetables in early spring.

Update on Our Farmer's Market Truck

We will be bringing you the next Farmer’s Truck update, after the holidays. 

Photo of a truck with a side door open exposing produce.

Middle Shelf - Partners & Volunteers

Food Recovery Program & Volunteers

Image of a truck full of produce.

Through our Food Recovery Program in 2024 we brought in 373,078 pounds of foods

In 2024, our 14 volunteers averaged 16 sites per week, picking up foods and goods. This tremendous effort is made possible through partnerships with our 21 food recovery partner, coordination of our executive director, and our volunteer drivers. 

This month we want to acknowledge and shine a light on our volunteer drivers who go out week after week and pick up from the sites. They work behind the scenes and make our food distribution possible.

Bike Donation from Kids Bike Lane

For several years, Kids Bike Lane has been partnering with SLFHC to provide new bicycles and helmets to children at Christmas time. This year, the Pantry received a donation of 34 bikes and helmets which were distributed on December 14th to children of families we assist. 

Several volunteers helped to distribute the bikes to families. For those smaller children we gave new toys, donated from local families. A huge thank you to our bicycle mechanic volunteer, Glenn Morimoto, who serviced all the bicycles, pumping tires, checked brakes and adjusted seat heights making the bike the perfect fit for each recipient.

Photo at the right is a mom and her two children who received bikes and helmets in December 2024.

Photo of mom and two children with bikes form the pantry.

Stocking Our Shelves​

Giving Tuesday Donations

We raised $1000 on Giving Tuesday. We appreciate your donations during the global focused time.

Donating Proceeds & Food to The Pantry

Photo of a group of women signing during a community concert.

Donated Proceeds – Calvary Lutheran Church Community Concert

On November 30th, the Calvary Lutheran Church of San Lorenzo held a community concert benefiting the San Lorenzo Family Help Center. Pastor Matt Behren and team did an amazing job organizing the concert, bringing together eight different corral and music groups who performed Christmas-themed music to a warm and respective crowd. Our own Tony Contreras, a SLFHC volunteer, performed with his band Karamba and got people grooving to the Brazilian beats.

Together raised $2,368 and those donating $50 or more, received a fleece as a thank you gift.

Food Drives Benefiting The Pantry

Several local schools and youth organizations hosted food drives for us in the month of December. We are so appreciative of the youth focused on supporting our efforts to defeat hunger in Alameda County. It takes a village to feed the village.

Photo of a group of students who supported a SLFHC food drive.
Bohannon Middle School Students
Photo of a group of students who supported a SLFHC food drive.
Grant Elementary School

Three elementary schools and one middle school in San Lorenzo Unified School District collected food and donated the items to benefit the families in their community. Teachers at these schools are leading the way to share with their students about how important it is that everyone gets food to eat. Shout out to the schools below who ran food drives for us:

  • Bohannon Middle School
  • Grant Elementary School, collected and proudly donated over 1,000 items of food 
  • Bay Elementary School
  • Del Rey Elementary School 

Youth Groups

  • The San Lorenzo Little League collected over 300 pounds of food in November after hosting a local food drive to benefit SLFHC and the San Lorenzo community.
  • Scouts Troops 612 & 2612 donated over 600 pounds of food from their area-wide food drive.


  • Lea’s preschool, located at the Calvary Lutheran Church property in San Lorenzo has an ongoing food drive to benefit families served by the SLFHC food pantry.
  • Loving Hearts Preschool in San Lorenzo took the job a step further and provided can openers along with the canned food to make sure all recipients of our pantry could enjoy the food provided.

Grants & Funding

Eden Health District logo

An awarded $25,000 grant from Eden Health District will help us increase services and access to food assistance for families in San Leandro and the unincorporated Eden area, starting in January 2025.

The City of San Leandro, Community Food Services Program awarded us a $16,000 grant to support food insecurity and promote equitable access to nutritious meals for residents in our community.

City of San Leandro logo

Around the Corner

Annual Meeting to be held January 26, 2024

Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday January 26 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM at the San Lorenzo  Library, located at 395 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo, CA.

Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to

The Pantry Shelf – Newsletter November 2024

The Pantry Shelf is the San Lorenzo Family Help Center newsletter, connecting and creating a community of people on a mission to defeat hunger in Alameda County. Donate today to automatically subscribe to our newsletter.

Check out what’s on the shelves in November 2024.

Top Shelf - Our Programs​

Our families are top shelf! After moving to our new location at 20960 Corsair Blvd, we’ve been growing and defeating hunger in more and more households in the unincorporated areas in and surrounding San Lorenzo, CA.

In-Store Program

Since January 2024, we’ve supported 1458 unique families through our store-like shopping pantry at Corsair. The chart at the right shows the number of families per month who have received assistance, 322 to 859 a 167% increase.

Chart of food assistant from January 2024 to Oct 2024.

Mobile Pantry Program

We will be out at the San Lorenzo Emanuelu Samoan Free Methodist Church on December 7th. Partnering with them we distribute nutritious produce to approximately 100 clients each Saturday we are there. 

Update on Our Farmer's Market Truck

Photo of a truck with a side door open exposing produce.

Honk, honk and thank you to those that donated so far to our truck build and supporting our expansion of our Mobile Pantry Program.  So far, we’ve received $7,450 from individual donors.

While our donor matching has ended, your continued financial support is important as we work to get the Farmer’s Market Truck built. Make your donations here.

Middle Shelf - Partners & Volunteers

Food Recovery Partners

In January 2024, SB 1383 expanded the “reduce waste” requirement to restaurants, schools, and hospitals with the expectation they donate excess food to distribution centers.  In October we welcomed our newest Food Recovery Partner Fusian Delight restaurant, located in the Greenhouse Shopping Center on Lewelling in San Leandro, CA. This is our first donor restaurant and supports our efforts to provide cultural foods to our diverse client community.

Volunteer Spotlight - GLIFY

This month we focus our light on our youth volunteers from Global Leadership Initiatives for Youth (GLIFY). GLIFY is a student-driven non profit organization based in the San Francisco East Bay Area and currently has 470+ members (middle schoolers and high schoolers) around the East Bay with over 40+ projects including food banks, crayon sorting, and other enrichment classes.

Photo of the GLIFY volunteers November 2024.

GLIFY has supported the San Lorenzo Family Help Center since 2020. The first event was the Thanksgiving special event in 2020. GLIFY was referred to The Pantry by Charles Beyer from Alameda County Community Food Bank. Since then they  volunteer regularly, helping those in need and learning leadership skills along the way. The group’s Saturday participation at The Pantry, is co-lead by Joshua Wu and Leann Chen.

Visit the GLIFY website to learn more about this amazing youth leadership group.

Stocking Our Shelves

Turkey Donations for Thanksgiving


We received 131 turkeys this year from Penumbra Inc of Alameda, CA. This is the 3rd year they have donated.

The warmth people feel when receiving a turkey warms the heart and fills stomachs this season.

A volunteer hands a client a turkey.

Giving Tuesday & San Lorenzo Family Help Center

As we approach the holiday season, the San Lorenzo Family Help Center is preparing to support our community with food on their tables. One way to ensure we can continue to meet the needs of our community is through your donations for Giving Tuesday. 

While the formal Giving Tuesday day is December 3rd, we hope you consider donating throughout the year and help us defeat hunger in Alameda County. Check out and share our Giving Tuesday donation page.

Donating Proceeds & Food to The Pantry

There are many ways to support the work we do at the San Lorenzo Family Help Center (SLFHC). November is a time where many people feel the gift of giving time and or donating food. When donating food please think about the condition of the packaging and the dating on the items donated and only donate foods that you would eat yourself.

Local Organizations Run Food Drives for The Pantry

We recently received food donations from:

  • The San Lorenzo Little League held a food drive in support of The Pantry.
  • The Girl Scouts troop 2612 and the Boy Scouts troop 612 recently made food donations, something they’ve been doing since at least 2020.

Calvary Lutheran Church Donates Proceeds to The Pantry

Gratitude and gratefulness goes to the Calvary Lutheran Church for donating all the proceeds from their upcoming Community Concert on November 30th, at 7 PM to The Pantry. If you are interested in attending in person, the address is 17200 Vía Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA.

Please Donate Today and Defeat Hunger in Alameda County

We need your help to defeat hunger in the unincorporated area in and around San Lorenzo in Alameda County, CA. We cannot do it without you.

The San Lorenzo Family Help Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3). When you make your donation, we will provide the Tax ID.

We are rolling out new donor levels – Pantry Style. 

  • Platter Donors – $5,000 +
  • Dinner Plate Donors – $2,000 to $4,999
  • Salad Plate Donors – $1,000 to $1,999
  • Dessert Plate Donors – $500 – $999
  • Hors d’oeuvres Plate Donors – $100 – $499

The Pantry Shelf – Newsletter October 2024

The Pantry Shelf is the San Lorenzo Family Help Center newsletter, connecting and creating a community of people on a mission to defeat hunger in Alameda County. Donate today to automatically subscribe to our newsletter.

Check out what’s on the shelves in October.

Top Shelf - Our Programs

Our families are top shelf! After moving to our new location at 20960 Corsair Blvd, we’ve been growing and defeating hunger in more and more households in the unincorporated areas in and surrounding San Lorenzo, CA.

In-Store Program

Since January 2024, we’ve supported 1165 unique families through our store-like shopping pantry at Corsair. The chart at the right shows the number of families per month who have received assistance, 322 to 723 a 124.5% in growth.

Chart showing the number of family receiving food assistance by month from 322 in January to 723 in August 2024.

Mobile Pantry Program

Logo of the San Lorenzo Emanuelu Samoan Free Methodist Church.

What is a mobile pantry? We drive our van full of fresh produce and dry goods to locations where people need nutritious food the most in the underserved locations within the Ashland, Cherryland, Hayward Acres and San Lorenzo communities.

So far this year we’ve driven our mobile pantry to the San Lorenzo Emanuelu Samoan Free Methodist Church partnering with them to distribute nutritious produce to approximately 100 clients on five Saturdays.

We are looking for mobile pantry partners and locations

If you are interested in a partnership and hosting us and our mobile pantry program, please email at

We are expanding our Mobile Pantry Program and need dough

It has been a dream of ours to have a farmer’s market truck specifically designed to support our mobile pantry work. The truck design includes features like display shelving which helps reduce the lifting of hundreds of pounds of produce by our volunteers, built-in refrigeration enabling the storage of temperature sensitive foods, as well as awnings that provide coverings to our clients.

Photo of a truck with a side door open exposing produce.

We are excited to share that we’ve received a $205,000 Alameda County Unincorporated Area Community Development Block Grant. This grant is foundational to the expansion of our mobile food pantry program and the purchase of a new farmer’s market truck.

We have a $30,000 match that ends Oct 31st. Give today! The match may end, but the need for food for families will go on.

But the grant is not enough to build the farmer’s market truck and get it on the streets in the community. We are still needing $60,000 to complete the purchase.

Middle Shelf - Partners & Volunteers

Food Recovery Partners

In October 2024, we added our 15th food recovery partner. Our partnerships with grocery stores, food distributors, and farmer’s markets provide us with a estimated 35,000 pounds per month of culturally diverse foods.

This year, we are on track to reach half a million pounds. Working together we are defeating hunger in Alameda County. 

Welcome to our new food recovery partner Sprouts in Hayward, CA.


Our good work is powered by our amazing volunteers, who do so much in the pantry and outside of it. 

Food-Related Roles

  • Receiving and sorting donations
  • Organizing and putting food on shelves or tables for distribution
  • Engage families in food selection

Non-Food Roles

  • Client check in and appointments
  • Photographer
  • Fundraising
  • Volunteer coordinator

If you would like to volunteer, please email:

Volunteer Spotlight

Photo of Janet Linh.

Our Volunteer Spotlight shines on Janet Linh, a volunteer for the past 2 years. Read what Janet has to say in her own words.

I’ve been a volunteer at San Lorenzo Family Help Center for almost two years. This rewarding experience has brought me great pride and enjoyment. I get to meet many new people and have made several friends. But most importantly, I get to serve and give back to the community and to do my part to take care of it the way it took care of me and my family when we first immigrated from Vietnam.

I will always remember the kindness and generosity shown to us by our local church and community, who made us feel welcomed and helped get us settled in with furnishings for our house and clothes and food for my whole family. I was just a young child then but I still remember how grateful I felt that total strangers cared about our well-being!

I’m inspired to continue my volunteer work and to motivate others to give back so we can make our world a better, kinder place for everyone. I especially want to instill in my young daughter the sense of volunteerism and the joy and gratification it brings.

Bottom Shelf

Photo of the front of the walk-in refrigerator at the San Lorenzo Family Help Center.

Brrr…it’s cold inside our new walk-in refrigerator. Thanks to the recent $30,000 grant from Alameda County Source & Recycling Board through Stopwaste.orgwe were able to purchase a large walk-in refrigerator. With additional funding for the installation,  the walk-in is now chilling produce and foods in our warehouse. Thank you to Pelco Sales and Services, and Cold Storage Manufacturing for the installation and Moonlight Electric for connecting the electricity.

Stocking Our Shelves

We are only able to defeat hunger with your help. A $100 donation feeds 4 families for a week Donate Now!  Your donations, automatically subscribes you to our newsletter.

There are many ways to support the work we do at the San Lorenzo Family Help Center (SLFHC). In addition to one-time or monthly donations please consider:

  • Hosting a fundraiser on our behalf – create an event and invite friends and neighbors, then donate the funds to SLFHC.
  • Use your company giving platform and matching program – check out to see if your company has giving program.
  • Leave a legacy and add us to your estate plan – When you include the San Lorenzo Family Help Center in your estate plan, your generosity ensures an impact well into the future.

Rolling Out Our New Donor Levels

We need your help to defeat hunger in the unincorporated area in and around San Lorenzo in Alameda County, CA. We cannot do it without you.

We are rolling out new donor levels – Pantry Style. Donate today, grab a plate, and help stock our shelves.

  • Platter Donors – $5,000 +
  • Dinner Plate Donors – $2,000 to $4,999
  • Salad Plate Donors – $1,000 to $1,999
  • Dessert Plate Donors – $500 – $999
  • Hors d’oeuvres Plate Donors – $100 – $499

The San Lorenzo Family Help Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3). When you make your donation, we will provide the Tax ID.

Contact information

Janelle Morimoto, Executive Director
